The Altar as center of the community represents Christ. Christ is the victim and the altar of sacrifice. The Altar is dedicated by the anointing of Chrism. Chrism, Christ’s oil, is spread all over the Altar as the oil was spread over the feet of Jesus shortly before his passion. The Altar is treated as Christ’s body thus nothing is simply laid on the altar for reason of decor. Only the bread, wine and the book needed for prayer are placed on the Altar. Even candles are placed around the Altar area. The shape of the Altar suggests that it is both an Altar and a Holy Table. It is the place where the community eats and drinks with God. The four sides are fairly uniform suggesting the equality of all those who gather around the Table.
Elements from the former Altar and reredos (the depiction of our Lord’s crucifixion in the apse of the building) were used in erecting the Altar, connecting the new with the old.